Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Some pics

Just some random pics from Vancouver..... This woman was carving a totem pole on Granville Island, which is a neat spot to walk around on a sunny warm day.....and why are there palm trees in this city....very weird.

This is the little ferry boat that holds only 8 people that takes you across the water to Granville Island...

Holding up the world...this is in the International Broadcast Centre....hey I saw Tom Brokaw from NBC news wandering around here, this pic was taken at 4am when I wasn't doing anything and trying to stay awake...

This is our Graphics preload area, where we load every font you see on your tv screens...the pics on the wall are new formats that we had to quickly create for the broadcasts.

This one's from tonight, Canada vs Germany - good game! With about 3 minutes left in the game, the crowd began chanting WE WANT RUSSIA, WE WANT RUSSIA....(canada's next game in the qtr final....)


Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Cool photos! Looks like you're having lots of fun...keep the pictures coming. I especially like the one of your workstation with a kid's drawing hanging on the wall in the middle of all that chaos!

Hey, my word verification is "mating"...miss you!

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting on the pictures. They're really interesting. Looking forward to hearing all the stories whenyou come back.


7:17 AM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

I love these pictures!!

Jason, I was telling Dana, at figure skating Monday, that we've been playing a version of "Where's Waldo" at home whenever the network shows a crowd shot. Yes, Jason. You would be Waldo in this story.


p.s. Dana, I see now why you may want to R rate this blog. My word verification today is 'ascoc'.

9:49 AM  

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