Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oldtimers Hockey

So Henry's team was invited out to an Oldtimers hockey game tonight. It was arranged quite a while ago but we didn't exactly know what to expect. It's a show with old retired NHL hockey players playing against a local law enforcement team to raise money for charity. Henry's team was not only invited to watch, but to participate in part of the game against the ex-NHLers. They were to be called onto the ice as "alternate players" at the beginning of the second period. Too bad Jason's away, I wouldn't know an ex-NHLer if I skated with him! This is Henry's team getting excited in the dressing room before hand.

It was pretty cute...the big guys would fall down and try to make it look like the little guys were out-playing them. Henry was ready for this, he said in the dressing room, "I think they're going to go easy on us."! In this picture, he's in the middle waiting for a pass...he was disappointed not to score on them since one of his teammates was a "puck-hog".

Coming off the ice (Henry on the left)

Afterwards, 2 of the guys (Glenn Anderson & Bryan Trottier?) came to the dressing room for photos with the team. Really nice guys & laughing at Henry for kissing the Stanley Cup! Really fun night for Jack & Henry (& Grampa)!


Blogger Andrew said...

Too cute!

8:58 AM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

That's what I was going to say!

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shawn knows who the players are, me not so much. Looks like a very cool experience

Jen B

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Sorry I missed it - great pics!! - Jason

3:52 PM  

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