Friday, February 05, 2010

I'm Here...

Arrived in Vancouver today (+12 degrees today!) - good flight, great accommodation - I'm sharing with another guy in a townhouse in downtown Vancouver - couldn't be better, except if the family was here.

This is where I will be working during the Olympics...the Main media centre - where are the world broadcasters are setup. (The green flat roof building on the water)

Tomorrow I begin my assignment on the Opening Ceremonies, setup day and getting ready for a full dress rehearsal - should be interesting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucky!! 12 degrees, sounds like spring.


12:56 PM  
Anonymous Ann said...

Wow Jas, so exciting!! Take lots of pics for the blog and can't wait to hear the stories....
What an opportunity for you!!!

9:54 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Pretty cool looking city. Space age! Good luck, Jason.

10:53 AM  

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