Sunday, January 10, 2010

Where has the time gone?

I don't know, hockey?
Seems we've had 5 games/practices between the 2 boys this weekend. Henry's in a tournament and hus team has won 2 of 2 games so far which means next weekend will be hockey-packed for sure. Jack's team has their last regular-season game today then head into playoffs...maybe a weekend off for him next weekend. What?!
Hannah still figure skates 2 nights a week and helps out little kids in their skating class one night a week so she informed me that between the 3 of them we are at arenas 10 times a week! I guess I never did the math. I think I would have rather just kept following the calendar and not bother adding it up!
The cat rescue shelter is still keeping Hannah busy too. I'm glad she got perfume for Christmas! Spending 2 hours with 150 cats can make you pretty pungent!
And Beavers, Cubs and Guides have started back up again. I guess the Girl Guides are celebrating 100 years this year so Hannah's excited to participate in a treasure hunt in a real castle with Girl Guides from all over Ontario next weekend.
The weather's been freezing...a little too cold for sledding although we've attempted it a couple of times anyway.
Jason's looking forward to heading to Vancouver for the Olympics for the month of Feb. I'm not as looking forward to it...this schedule may kill me. But I know he'll have a great time and we'll watch the events on tv and picture him there!
Me? I'm just plugging along. Photo jobs here & there, jiggling in between. Some pretty nice walks just me & Murph in the woods in the snow. She turns one tomorrow! Happy Birthday, Murphy!


Blogger Jen said...

I was sorting my calendar for 2010 and writing all the birthdays on- don't forget you have that coming up soon as well!!! Hannah is a busy gal- Mae would love to work in a cat shelter (although the cats may not agree!)

3:37 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Don't forget to spend more time with your friends. Sorry, couldn't resist. Sounds kinda hectic over there.

1:57 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I've spent plenty of time with hockey mom friends!

6:55 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Ha ha! OK! Uncle!

9:36 PM  

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