Sunday, February 07, 2010

Another Goalie?!

Don't get me wrong, I'm very proud of Jack & how far he's come as a goalie. His game last night was really exciting and he played so well winning 4-3 in overtime. But the equipment's expensive and watching games can be we really need another one in the family? Henry was goalie this morning for his house league team. In house league all the players take turns being goalie. Henry's team won 11-6 and I have to say, he was GREAT! Even the coach from the other team commented that our team had a great goalie! Henry loved it and said that when he gets to Jack's level he'd like to be a goalie full-time...ugh!


Blogger Andrew said...

Man, those boys of yours sure do have confidence. It's pretty great that they want to be in a position where the rest of the team is constantly depending on them. Maybe Henry will be able to use Jack's gear when he's old enough?

10:19 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Yeah, that's a good thought. Henry's almost as big as Jack...he could probably use Jack's gear from this year for next year!

8:00 AM  

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