Saturday, March 20, 2010

March Break recap

Wouldn't it be easier if I just blogged once a day, a photo here and there instead of waiting and compiling them all at once? Maybe more fun to look at too. But here's a quick summary of what we've been up to.
Hannah was in her first skating competition. Just at her own club against others in her club, but good to get the first one under her belt. She was VERY nervous, but I thought she did really well! We watched Charlotte for Eri & Mike one evening while Hannah was out at a sleepover. The boys were very entertaining for her and it was nice to get an individual visit with her!
The weather's been FANTASTIC (although it was back to snow this morning!) and we took full advantage of it! The kids shopped at Chapter's with their birthday gift cards and had all sorts of new reading material to take outdoors.
Hannah and her friend set up a lemonade stand to raise money for the cat shelter where Hannah volunteers. They will deliver the $26.00 they made tomorrow.
Then there was the birthday party...this is the first time we've done all 3 kids at once and I have to say, I would do it again. They went bowling and each brought 9 friends for a total of 30 kids - 6 lanes! The girls pretty much looked after themselves.
Jack had a really hard time narrowing it down to 9 friends! How many do I invite from my hockey team? What about my friends from Cubs? He has a lot of friends at school too. But eventually we made the list and I have to say, his lanes were really self-sufficient too.
Charlotte and Bennett were put in Henry's lanes since they were closest in age, but Hannah's friends really liked bringing Char over with them. I like that Charlotte's in mid-air in this picture!
Henry and friends needed the most help but they were really good and really cute! Henry had to do some crazy pose every time he knocked even one pin down. Lots of fun and not nearly as noisy as everyone warned me it might be.Every year Eri makes one of my kids' birthday cakes. She's an amazing cake maker/decorator and the kid of the year gets to tell her their cake theme. So it was Henry's turn this year and he asked for a hockey cake. Once again, Eri created an amazing birthday masterpiece!
After an hour of bowling, we got a party room for another hour. The bowling alley looks after EVERYTHING! They order the pizza, put a movie on and provide decorations, utensils, paper plates...we only had to bring cakes and loot bags! It was really wonderful!
Coincidentally, my friend Nicola had her baby the day between my kids' birthdays. That will be an easy date for us to remember! So yesterday we paid her and brand new Amelia a visit. It seemed like a long time since I held a tiny baby! So sweet! Congratulations!


Blogger EJ said...

Really cute pictures Dana! Thanks. I love the one of Henry and Jack reading outside.

1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So wonderful! Hannah is such a grown up already! She's beautiful, looks just like her mom.

The boys reading is definitely an all time favorite photo, what a great moment.

Looks like you've been having a fantastic early spring.

Jen B

5:16 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

who's have thought that a three in one party would be so much less stressful! Looks like a great time!

3:18 PM  
Blogger John and Sharon said...

Please tell me there were more adult helpers at the 6-lane party, or you truly will be SuperParents. Looks like a fun March Break.

5:48 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Those are some great bowling photos, Dane. Wish I could've been there to see that.

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Ann said...

Hi All,
Great pics and it looks like everyone has been very busy!! Love the cake and glad the party went well. Sorry our gifts to the kids are delayed.
Talk to you soon,

1:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

great photos! you are always so busy but looks like a great time was had by all. Hannah really looks different now... turning into a young lady right before our eyes.

5:55 PM  

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