Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sorry for the delay

Although it hasn't been as busy around here, I've somehow neglected the blog. Jason's home and we're all thrilled to have him back! We hear new little snippets about the Olympics each day as they come to him! We had 3 kids' birthdays but they came and went without too much fanfare. They're having a bowling party (yes, all 3 of them at the same time!) over March Break so we'll celebrate some more then. Thank you to everyone for the phone calls and cards and gifts!
Henry got a gem excavation kit so he and Hannah worked away at that for a few days.

Jack's team is out of the hockey playoffs so now it's just practices and a final tournament at the end of March before April's tryouts for next year! Henry's still finishing up his hockey year and looking forward to playing 3 on 3 this summer. He's also signed up for soccer but Jason's hoping not to coach this year. He coached each of the kids for their first year but Henry for his first two when the original coach backed out the day before soccer began. Jack's playing baseball again this summer and Hannah's hoping to continue her figure skating. The schedule and cost of such an activity hasn't come out yet but I'm afraid to think what it costs to keep a rink cold in the summer!


Blogger Andrew said...

Yay! Happy birthdays, kids. Expect something in the mail soon.

8:28 AM  
Blogger John and Sharon said...

What a serious little scientist.

4:52 PM  

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