Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sleep Talking Man

I saw a story on tv recently about a wife who records her husband's very funny and odd musings in the night as he rambles on in his sleep, sounds like someone I so I'm told.

The very first night Dana stayed at my apartment, she quickly became aware that I talked in my sleep - when I woke up in the morning she was sleeping on the couch in the other room. When I asked her Why? she said it was because "I wouldn't stop talking all night long"...

I usually don't remember anything I said the next morning, and Dana, if she isn't annoyed about not getting a full nights sleep, will tell me the nonsense I was talking about the next morning. She has grown accustomed to it, and will just tell me to "shut up!" or wake me up and tell me to "Please. Just stop talking!" I can be heard singing, laughing hysterically and just generally talking about complete nonsense. The other night, her sleep was interrupted with this insight about one of my favourite subjects...bacon.

"I was going to cook it on the front of my head, but I'm going to cook the bacon on the back of my head"

No wonder I'm so tired in the morning. And yes, I did have bacon the next morning, but it was prepared the normal way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well here I am as one of your invited guests to the blog.. What a rig ma roll..

Anyways I can sympathize with Dana because I remember you talking in your sleep from quite frequently. I could hear you perfectly from my room way down the hall. So loud and all nonsense!! I remember you going on and on one night about whether is was vanilla or chocolate ice cream. You kept asking the person in your dream over and over again at the top of your lungs.....So persitent you were..

Anyways maybe you can be enrolled in a sleep seminar and they can monitor your patterns.. scary thought!
Hope all is well.
Dana,. get him a muzzle like Murph's and you're all set!!

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Ann said...

Ps ... That comment was from me Jason...


11:11 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Ha ha! I wouldn't worry, Jason — Dana loves sleep-talking and has been encouraging it from way back. Just ask Erika.

Funny post, but I thought there'd be more swearing now that you've gone private membership.

11:13 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

haha, I like Andrew's idea. Make your family blog more HBO-style!

I lol'd at work with this post, by the way. hee hee

11:30 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Is it always about food? That's pretty funny, but the funniest thing is still Jason's fear of ants- I remember him telling us about finding the nest and running away screaming! but maybe he would attack you if he dreamt about ants! Anyway, thanks for invite!!!

12:43 PM  
Blogger jenbuter said...

I've been invited into the inner circle! Sleep talking is always a hoot. Shawn does it sometimes, but I'm such a deep sleeper I rarely hear it.

When we were first living together he sat straight up in bed looked at me and said "you don't fu@%#*^@ know how to bake cookies do you?". And promptly fell back to sleep. I still don't bake cookies and that was over 17 years ago.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Hmm... this is not really your problem, but I don't seem to be able to follow your blog anymore, now that it's private. Kinda sucks.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It took me a while to access the invite blog but i think i did it!!!
Talking in your sleep is really scary...good thing dana is so patient eh?

5:53 PM  

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