Saturday, November 04, 2006


My aunt is in the process of moving and since her girls are all grown up now, she's found a lot of their old things that they no longer need and sent them home with my Mom. I had never heard of this "Toobers and Zots" but I'll tell you, the kids love it! They love the name, they love making things, they love showing it to their couldn't have arrived at a better time either!

We kept busy enough today that there was no time for any meltdowns (from the kids or me!). The neighbours' kids were over to play (Toobers and Zots) and stayed for lunch. Hannah had a play day at a friend's house in the afternoon and Jack had a birthday party to go to. Then Hannah's friend joined us out at East Side Mario's for dinner. It was kind of wierd being the only adult at a table for 5, but they were all very well behaved and one man even said, "well done" to me as we were leaving the restaurant!

So things are looking up, another busy day tomorrow with a shoot in the morning and my parents taking Jack out to a movie in the afternoon. He'll enjoy the special attention and I think he really needs it!

So thank you to Mom & Dad and to Marilen!



Blogger Jen said...

Toobers and Zots look like fun- I think we just missed them when we were kids.
You have done well, I would have run away by now if I was on my own and I only have 1 child!

4:25 AM  

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