Friday, November 03, 2006


Trick-or-treating was great, I didn't put any pictures up since I only took one of all 3 kids dressed up and I took the same one for Eri's Halloween Party, but since Jason asked, here's a picture from Halloween night.

We only got a dozen trick-or-treaters but I may have missed a few when I first took the kids out. I had to turn the light out. But I came home with Henry and a friend took Hannah & Jack on a busier street where it felt a little more like Halloween. They came home cold and tired and excited to dump and sort all their candy.

We're missing Jason around here and Jack's been really testing me while he's away. Things are getting a little better today since the ground rules have been firmly set. Not sure what we'll be up to to keep these guys busy for the weekend!



Blogger Andrew said...

Sounds really fun and also exhausting. Henry really looks a lot like Jason in that photo! I've never noticed it before.

- Andrew

4:28 PM  

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