Monday, June 25, 2007

Zoo Pet Hospital

We went to the annual zoo toy pet hospital and it was HOT!

I think I will consider the weather before we go next was our third year in a row and it is AMAZING but I don't know if the kids got as much out of it the third time around. Especially after a half hour line up in the heat. Jason's really good at hustling us out of the house in time so that we are first in line, but they changed the location within the zoo this year (without telling us!) and we had to walk half way across the zoo thus putting us at the end of a big line!

Henry was pretty exasperated and exasperating by the time it was our turn.One cool new thing this year was the added "oxygen" for the pets who needed some sort of surgery. It really is fun!


Blogger John and Sharon said...

ha ha ha! That is so cute! I love Jack's bird getting the oxygen over his beak.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Never put a band-aid on a fuzzy toy. I learned the hard way. (poor owen owl...)

3:15 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

So cute! It does look hot. Man!

10:27 AM  

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