Friday, June 22, 2007

Winding Down for Summer Vacation

Yesterday was Play Day at the kids' school. I don't remember what we called it when I was little, but I sure remember having it! We looked forward to it for weeks! The games seemed so sophisticated and organized and there was always orange, syrupy McDonald's juice. It's pretty much the same, just freezies now instead of juice.

And how about this picture?! I can't figure out what happened...I think she may have thrown a lot of the water out of the cup before it actually landed on her head, but it sure looks neat!

Today was the last Friday of the school year. Thursday will be the last day next week. I know a lot of people are worried about what to do with their kids all summer and I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune at the end of summer, but I'm REALLY looking forward to having the kids to myself for a while. I really miss them. Monday at Wonderland was AMAZING!! I feel like I never even see Hannah. There's an hour in the morning where I tell her to hurry up and did you remember your lunch and have you got a hat and hurry up. Then there are a few hours of homework, piano practice, dinner, bath and maybe playtime before bed. It will be so nice to have un-structured, un-scheduled days on end! I think Henry will be a bit put off since he's used to having me all to himself in the mornings, but I think he'll enjoy the company too.

Have I mentioned before that Henry is REALLY loud? Well, trying on bathing suits is certainly not my favourite thing to do, but having Henry in the crowded change rooms with me tonight made it even less enjoyable! He suddenly called out, "Mommy, you have a hole in your underwear!" Then I forced my hand over his mouth when he started singing a song he learned from the other kids, "I went to a Chinese restaurant to buy a loaf of bread, bread, bread, the waiter asked me what's my name and this is what I said, said, said, "my name is Ching Ching Charlie..." Did I say I was looking forward to summer?!


Blogger Jen said...

Yep- that would be pretty embarrasing! What a nut Henry is!! But wouldn't it be boring otherwise...?

3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is hilarious. You really made me laugh. Now, if I'd been in the change room, I'lm not sure what I'd do. Let's not find out. I give you till the end of July before you're screaming fot the kids to go back to school.


4:57 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Ha ha! I hope Henry's prepared to teach me that song in Maine. Sounds like a really good one.

- Andrew

8:46 PM  

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