Friday, June 15, 2007

Summer Days

I can't believe it's the middle of June - when did that happen.

The kids are finishing up the last few weeks of school - and luckily there isn't that much homework because it seems every night there is an activity that we are in or have to be at. Hannah is enjoying soccer - it sure is nice to sit back and enjoy the game - but I didn't realize I am one of those parents - the loud ones at games, I was always coaching so yelling things out was what you do - but I have been told I am a spectator now and I don't need to shout out comments the entire time... Hannah also wants to join Highland dancing - a friend is in it and she is very interested in it.

Jack is doing great at t-ball - really coming together and the coaches are really organized which is great -we will have to post some pics soon. Henry just goes with the flow - as the third child tends to do - the other night after staying up late swimming with friends the night before, I went down to get him for dinner and found him asleep on the floor behind a chair - we tried to wake him up but it was no use, so Dana just put him to bed at 5pm - he woke up the next morning after 7am - what a sleep!

Tomorrow is a street sale - so we are trying to rid ourselves of stuff - too much stuff in this house. Looking forward to a restful weekend of relaxing by the pool and sleeping in on Sunday...hint hint...


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