Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New Day

I talked to Dana this morning and she said Papa was feeling pretty good, walking around and in good spirits. Dana comes home tonight so we will all be happy to see her!

I wasn't feeling too hot yesterday, just exhausted and now I feel a little better, I took the kids to school and Henry to tot-spot (poor kid cried and didn't want to go - hanging on my leg and not letting go) so now I have a few minutes to myself and re-grouped and having a coffee.

Tonight Jack has a t-ball game, Hannah has soccer practice and I have volleyball - not sure how it will all turn out, but Penny is coming over to put the kids to bed.

Okay I better get his house in order and laundry done before the next storm arrives....it's kind of like being in the eye of the storm right now - all calm but you know more is going to arrive!


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