Monday, May 07, 2007

First Swim

I surprised the kids on the way home from school - after we played in the playground for a 1/2 hour after school they were complaining how hot they were, and the playground is really dusty...really dusty - Henry was coated in this grey film from head to toe, anyway I told them nonchalantly - "well just go home and jump in the pool then" - Hannah caught it, Jack just complained thinking I was teasing him and Henry said "what pool"...

No pictures, I forgot - but they sure had a good time, I did too, I really love taking them to school and staying home, it's a real treat. The only trick I have learned is that if I sit down I'm exhausted, but if I just keep moving until they are in bed (like right now) then I'm fine.

It's funny you learn a little bit more about your kids when it's not the regular routine you are used to - Hannah talked to me today about how she is trying out for the talent show tomorrow after school, watching Jack in the kindergarten playground, you can see he is a little leader in his class, he has everyone's ear, and well Henry, when you are out and about with him, at Tim Horton's or the grocery store, that kid doesn't stop talking, I mean - Doesn't At All. I know he talks a lot, but he talks and talks and talks, when no one is around he is even talking about something - he's a hoot that one.

Dana's home tonight and we are all looking forward to it...believe me - you were missed!


Blogger Jen said...

sounds like you had fun- hope Dana's grandpa is okay.

3:01 AM  

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