Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Happy Birthday, Bennett!

We had a great time at Bennett's 2nd birthday party this evening! I think Bennett's highlight was when we all went to the park to play with his new sand toys!

I took a bunch of pictures and accidentally deleted (on my camera) my favourite one while I was looking through them. I was so mad at myself until I found that I had "image retrieval" software!! It took me an hour and a half, but the software retrieved images from my card that I shot back in October and I've reformatted my card MANY times since then! This is probably boring to most people, but it is an absolutely wonderful, amazing, mind-boggling discovery for me!

Anyway, I think it was well worth the time spent, you can decide for yourself.

Also today, Jack had a field trip to a farm where he fed goats and rabbits, jumped in a hayloft, went on a wagon ride and apparently, at some point, fell on his head! Since the field trip would bring them back to school for a later pick-up, Henry & I had a longer than usual morning together. We took his trike to the park and had a great time!


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