Monday, November 12, 2007

Christmas Season begins...

Halloween may just be over but Christmas is now in full swing, last night was the CTV/TSN kids christmas party held at Woodbine Centre. The three kids have been talking about this for weeks and the countdown was an excellent threat for getting to bed and staying in bed "if you want to go the Christmas party...." Yes I know, that's not what Christmas is all about but when you have a three year old popping out of bed every three minutes you'll take desparate measures. The kids had a great time, when we first arrived we ate at Burger King, Henry shouted out over and over "this is the best day ever!"...then they went on many rides, played in this huge jungle gym, visited Santa and he gave each of the kids a Christmas present!

It's hard for a three year old to understand the concept of asking Santa for a present for Christmas - then getting a present from him and it's not the same thing he just asked for. Santa may be magic, but he can only do so much.

That Santa is one smart guy - he told the kids that they should get to bed on time! - This should help out until Christmas... All in all a good time - Dana will have to post some pics.

This weekend we spent a lot of time at the rink - Saturday night I took the three kids skating, Jack wanted to go to practice his skating for hockey, to see him try to skate as fast as he can, his little arms pumping, his feet starting to lift off the ice then off he goes, it's great. Hannah is actually skating really well, she loves trying to do the tricks, spins and such. This was also the first time I have gone skating where I didn't have to carry Henry on the ice, he just skated around and he can get up by himself now too.

On Sunday, Jack had his hockey game and when we walked in the locker room Jack found out he was going to be the goalie for the game, he looked really excited and at the same time scared to death. They won their game and had a few good saves, a few players crashed into him in the net, and during one crash all I saw was one of his gloves go flying through the air. He was pretty proud in the locker room after the game when the team gave him 'three cheers for the goalie'. Hannah returned to the rink with her friend in the afternoon for more skating and twirling.

The day ended with the kids exhausted in their beds and all asleep within moments of their heads hitting the pillow. Yeah.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun weekend. Sorry we missed the game on Sunday. We'll try for this weekend.

2:22 PM  

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