Friday, January 18, 2008

We LOVED it!!

I don't want to irritate anyone with how amazing a time we had, but we really could want for nothing!

Jason out-did himself with his research and found us paradise at a price we could afford and willing to take a family of five (surprisingly, few places will without making you book two rooms!)

Things were included that I would have fully expected to pay extra for: snorkeling, glass-bottom boat rides, banana boat rides, a full water slide park with "Pirate Island", drinks and drinks!

Then there were things that we knew about in advance that we just couldn't have imagined better! The "Kids Kamp" was divided into age groups and each of our kids was in a different group. I envisioned a church basement type set-up with arts & crafts tables. Actually, each age group had multiple rooms to themselves with theatres and games, they took them on boat rides, built volcanoes, tie-dyes, magic shows, baking with Cookie Monster, exercises with Elmo, dancing with Zoe, limbo games with Ernie & Bert! You could take the kids anytime from 9am-6pm or do what we did and check the schedule of events and sign them in and out for the activities they wanted. The people were absolutely amazing! Hannah and Jack made lots of new friends and Henry was a big hit with the ladies who ran his program - his answer to everything was "Yeah Mon!"

Then there were things that were just so over the top we couldn't believe it - self-serve slurpies, popcorn and ice cream ALL DAY EVERY DAY!

And the cherry on top - the kids got to go into the cockpit of the airplane for their first plane ride!
We didn't get a drop of rain, no one got sick or hurt, we felt completely filled-up. Nothing was missing. At one point, Jason & I were lying on the beach and all 3 kids were at an activity and a waiter & waitress came up to us and offered us ice-water. I just looked at them stunned. It seemed like too much! The service was unbelievable. The island was gorgeous.

The photos are in no particular order, sorry.


Blogger John and Sharon said...

That just looks like an AWESOME holiday!

4:20 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

WOW!!! I'm so glad you guys had the best time!

2:57 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Holy crap! That sounds so great. I still can't stop laughing about Henry with his "Ya, mon." I'm glad it worked out so well — you guys deserve it.

- Andrew

11:05 AM  

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