Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New TV

So Scott Baio has a new reality show where he's trying to figure out why he's 45 and never been married...he just had to ask me! He never met me & my friend Jennifer when we were 12! We used to play in an old car on blocks and drive on dates with Chachi. I wasn't the photographer I am now and thought that if I took a picture of the tv, I would tell Jennifer that I had actually met Scott Baio! Too bad you could see the whole tv in the picture, otherwise, I'm sure I could have convinced her!


Blogger Jen said...

Chachi was mine!! I knew it, he knew it and you knew it!
That is so funny- I saw an ad for that show the other week. My heart skipped a beat, although it could have been the lasagna....god love ya Dana!! You make me laugh!

6:26 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

But I thought he was mine!?!

9:20 PM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Oh man, a Chachi girl. See, my age is showing! I was an Andy Gibb gal. And Donny Osmond...*sigh*

2:13 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

My first love was Shawn Cassidy when I really think back. Woah.

2:42 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Oh Yeah, I had a book about Shaun Cassidy- I really need to let him know I am still available. Too bad I am off Facebook.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Oh man, I'm over at our friend Krista's and as soon as I saw that Scott Baio picture I yelled out that you used to take pictures of him off the TV. And moon over him in Tiger Beat magazine. One time a guy in high school with the locker next to mine asked me where my Scott Baio picture was, and for some reason it made me really mad. Maybe because it reminded me that you'd made me miss all the punchlines in Happy Days the day before.

- Andrew

9:55 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Ha ha ha! We are all so sad! Merry Christmas Everyone gets one comment, Scott Baio gets 7! I bet if he googles his name, your blog would come up- maybe your childhood dreams WILL come true!!

3:37 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I forgot to add:
Wah wah wah!

- Andrew

8:25 AM  
Blogger Pen & Rix Place said...

I always thought Chachi was a board game.

Turns out I was right.


5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had no interest in Chachi. I had a think for Henry Winkler - although that was really only because that's who you told me to have a crush on Dana. How sad is that?

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget Chachi! Let's get some Christmas pictures of people we care about.


9:17 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

No! No! Keep talking about Chachi! According to a clip I saw from his new reality show, Scott is always looking for something better and therefore unable to maintain a steady relationship. That doesn't sound very ideal for a woman with three kids, Dane. I would be cautious.

Also, here's something pretty weird:

And this:

- Andrew

6:31 PM  

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